Coming Events

Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest!

Our local Knights of Columbus Council #4678 is hosting a poster contest to Keep Christ in Christmas!  The goal of this program is to increase the awareness of our young people's faith, while encouraging them to speak to other youth "in their own language" about the true meaning of Christmas.  Here is information about the contest. 

2024 KCICPosterContest Entry Form_KOC4678.pdf

        2nd Grade Sacraments       

01/12/2025- Reconciliation Session Two, Parents & Students, 10:30am in school auditorium     

01/25/25 - First Reconciliation Retreat, 10:00am in Social Hall

04/26/25 - First Communion Retreat, 10:00am in Social Hall

              First Confessions:                                                   First Communion:

CCD Students: 01/30/2025 @ 7:00pm in church                              First Communion Rehearsal: 05/02/2025, 6:00pm-7:00pm

OLVCS Students: 1/31/2025 @ 9:00am in church                                     First Communion: 05/03/2025, 10:00am-11:30am,          reception to follow

Middle School

03/23/25: Junior High Youth Day, Ebensburg, PA

Confirmation Formation Dates (grades 9-11)

02/02/2025: 9th, 10th & 11th Grade Retreats with Paul J Kim!

Student Arrival: 4:00pm  (church, students only)

First Talk: Confirmation is not Graduation from the Catholic Church (church, students only)

Dinner for teens: 5:30pm-6:30pm (social hall, students only)

Second Talk: 6:30pm-8:00pm (church - students & any interested adults) - Meant to Live for More

03/29/2025: American Red Cross Blood Drive Service Project Opportunity, 9:00am-2:00pm


Rehearsal: Wednesday, 05/28/2025 @ 6:30pm in church

Confirmation Day: Monday, 06/02/2025 @ 6:00pm in church

(Confirmandi & Sponsor report no later that 5:30pm)

Steubenville Summer Youth Conference:

Register ASAP to secure a spot at the Steubenville Summer Youth Conference.  Registrations fill up F-A-S-T and are currently open!  Our group is attending July 11th-13th.  Registration forms can be given to your child's religious education teacher or the church office.  Our Youth MInister will confirm the registration once the conference lets him know if there are still available spots.

2025 Steubenville Summer Conference Registration Form: July 11th-13th