Taking Young Children to Mass

Should I take my young children to mass?   

Advice from parents of 5 children ages 6 and under.

Things you can do at home to set your kids up for success:

1. Make sure they are well rested and fed before they arrive at mass.

2. Bring My Mass Bag with a children's rosary (Children's Rosary), religious books (Mass Books) and even some religious coloring books (Religious Coloring Books) with crayons.

3. Utilize The Cry Room upstairs if your child is having a bad day.  We understand, many of us have been there and that is why it is there.

4. If your child is having a fit, you can take them out and walk around with them until they have settled.  Remember, they are only this age for such a short time.  It will soon pass.

~Sick children, and adults, should not come to mass.  

Please be considerate of other people's health.~