In the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, children in the 2nd grade, who have been baptized, receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion for the first time.  

First Reconciliation will be held in JANUARY this year; 2025 

Parent Meeting,  Sunday, 09/22/24 @ 10:30am (in school auditorium)

Parent/Student Session One, Sunday, 10/06/24 @ 10:30am (in school auditorium)

Parent/Student Session Two, Sunday, 10/20/24 @ 10:30am (in school auditorium)

Reconciliation Retreat, Saturday, 01/25/25, 10:00am (social hall)

The Sacrament of First Reconciliation

CCD Students- Thursday, 01/30/25 at 7:00pm (in church)

OLVCS Students: Friday, 01/31/25 at 9:00am (in church)

*Please make certain to have submitted a copy of your child's baptism certificate 

either to Ms. Bord in-person or via email by Jan. 17th, 2025.

  Copies can also be left with your child's teacher or at the church office.  They will be put in her mailbox.*

2025 First Communion Events

First Communion Retreat will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2025 from 10:00am-11:30am @ Parish Activity Center

First Holy Communion Rehearsal will be held in May 16, 2025 @ 6:00pm-7:00pm

First Holy Communion will be held in May 17, 2025 @ 10:00am-Noon

Please contact Anne Bord at the Religious Education Office with any questions regarding the preparation

of either sacrament: or call 814-237-7832 ext. 421.


(the sacrament of healing)


~Remember Jesus’ love for you and his desire to draw you nearer to himself in this sacrament of healing.~

PRACTICE AN EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE: (Do this each night before bed.)

a. Have I spent time with God in prayer every day?

b. Have I been stubborn about praying and going to Mass on Sunday?

c. Have I asked God to help me when I have been tempted to sin?

a. Have I been disobedient and disrespectful to my parents?

b. Have I lied or cheated?

c. Have I been stubborn about my responsibilities?

d. Have I been selfish with the things I have?

         e. Have I gotten angry at anyone? 

f. Have I hit anyone?

g. Is there anyone in my life that I need to forgive?

h. Have I made fun of others?

i. Have I used bad language?

j. Have I stolen anything? 

k. Have I been helpful and loving toward my family?

l. Have I been thankful for the things I have instead of being jealous of others? 

How to make your First Confession:

Preparing for First Holy Communion


How to Receive the Eucharist in Your Hands

1. Approach the altar with your hands folded.

2. When the person in front of you is receiving the Eucharist, stop and bow as sign of reverence to Jesus.  Proceed to the priest.

3. When you reach the priest, cup your left hand and place your right hand under it.  Think of your hands as a “throne” for Jesus.  (You can switch this if you are left-handed).  Lift your hands up to about chest level.

4. The priest will say, “The Body of Christ.” You say, “Amen.”

5. The priest places the Host in your hand and you step to the side.  Take the Host in your right hand and place the Host in your mouth (and consume immediately).

6. Fold your hands and return to the pew.  Kneel down and pray to Jesus thanking Him for allowing you to receive Him in Holy Communion.


How to Receive Holy Communion on the Tongue

1. Approach the altar with your hands folded.

2. When the person in front of you is receiving the Eucharist, stop and bow as a sign of reverence to Jesus.  Proceed to the priest.

3. The priest will say, “The Body of Christ.”  You say, “Amen.”  Then tilt your head back a little, open your mouth and lay your tongue on your lower lip. The priest will place the Host on your tongue (consume immediately).

4. Fold your hands and return to the pew. Kneel down and pray to Jesus thanking Him for allowing you to receive Him in Holy Communion.

How to Receive the Precious Blood from the Chalice

1. Approach the priest who is holding the Chalice.

2. When the person in front of you is receiving the Precious Blood, stop and bow your head as a sign of reverence to Jesus. Proceed to the priest.

3. The priest or Deacon will say, “The Blood of Christ.”  You say, “Amen.”

4.  The priest or Deacon will hand you the Chalice.

5.  Hold the Chalice with both hands and take a small sip.  Give the Chalice back to the priest or Deacon.

6. Fold your hands and return to the pew.  Kneel down and pray to Jesus, thanking Him for letting you receive Him in the Precious Blood.